Kristy's extraordinary story of transforming her life from living in a women's shelter with her two boys to living her life of abundance.
Discover a Holistic Process to Take Back Control of Your Life as an Elite Single Mom.
Join Kristy Angelee as She Reveals the Foundational Process She Used to Evolve from Healed to Whole.
Join NOW for only $15
Do You Want More From Life?
As we come to an understanding of our emotions, we realize that they are directed inward. Our feelings give us insight into what is going on inside of us.
This can be a very powerful tool for personal growth. If we want to create a healed and whole lifestyle, it is essential to connect with our innermost selves. This is where true happiness and fulfillment come from.
Our creator wants us to have good health and be prosperous. When our soul prospers, we are able to achieve emotional mastery.
However, many single women who are moms may be healed but not whole. They have not allowed themselves to marry their emotional superpowers and achieve emotional mastery. Kristy Angelee will teach you how to during this 90-minute online training.
About Kristy Angelee
KRISTY ANGELEE extraordinary story of transforming her life from living in a women's shelter with her two boys to building a six-figure enterprise is the inspiration behind her bold mission over the years to be a light and inspiration for single women. The foundation for this mission is discovering her own purpose after transitioning from a wife into the role of a single mother. Through her challenges and victories, Kristy's life has become a ministry. Her message declares that being a single woman/mother does not equate to failure. Each day she is a living testimony that even in single-hood, you can overcome struggle and live a life beyond your wildest dreams. As a single mom and entrepreneur (Personal Chef, Transformative speaker, and Biblical Business Growth Solutionist), Kristy has developed FROM HEALED TO WHOLE to transform the lives of women of color and alter the trajectory of their world.
What's Your I Can?
Kristy is also the author of her 1st book What's Your I Can: Realize Your I Can in Purpose, Business, and Family. In What's Your I Can: Realize Your I Can in Purpose, Business, and Family, Kristy continues her journey with her fans, providing a clear and practical blueprint, for personal success, drawn directly from the life experiences of its beloved author. Kristy plays and works
in Austin, TX, area and on stages in various cities, working alongside her world-class team committed to What's Your I Can?
From Healed to Whole
Kristy is the inspiration behind her bold mission to teach single mothers of color how they can move forward, fully repair and rebuild. Today, fans worldwide revere Kristy for her mastery of teaching single mothers how to accomplish indescribable goals and move FROM HEALED TO WHOLE.